Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thinking Earthquakes

We have been learning about the earth's structure and how earthquakes happen. Christchurch had an earthquake a month ago and we Skyped Springston E-Team to ask them some questions about what is was like. These are some of our brainstorms, mind maps and posters.


  1. You have done yourselves proud, yet again Team 17. You know, it has been a real pleasure watching your blog and seeing how you have evolved as learners since earlier this year. I can see from your brainstorms and mindmaps that you are certainly making great use of thinking tools and reflective thinking. Top Job, Team 17! Can't wait to see what's next! :)

  2. Thats a pretty cool video
    we learned about that in
    our 8th grade science class
    it's pretty awesome! I think
    that science is probably my
    favorite subject.



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